Tuesday, February 22, 2022

UPSC Mock TEST Series and Prelim

Test series 2022

Videos for the test, Answer key videos,  Analysis video.

All free ...

Date : 15.3.2022 onwards.

All data related with the test series will be posted here. 
This is consisting of Two months revision program for UPSC CIVIL Services exam 2022. 

1. A detailed timetable is given below. 
2. The lecture set links are posted below. 
3. Students should observe and go through the lectures. 
4. Then appear for the test. Test will be in the form of YouTube video. Note down the answers.
5. Answer key link will be provided in the description of the question paper video.
6. Analysis of the question papers will be discussed in separate video. The link will also be there in the description of the video of the question paper.
7. We hope that this will be helpful for the success of the Students.

Time table for this test series
All papers will start at 6.30pm.

Paper 1.    15 March - History ( Ancient + Medieval + Modern)
Question paper link : https://youtu.be/QpXq1I6dtXk
Answer link : https://youtu.be/XcAYZl4qpx8
Analysis Part 1 link : https://youtu.be/dfoEgIfci6g
Analysis Part 2 link : https://youtu.be/77W8LTHfpL4
Paper 2.    19 March - Geography & Environment 

Paper 3.    23 March - Political Science 

Paper 4.   27 March - Science 

Paper 5.   31 March - Economics

Paper 6.   4 April - History

Paper 7.   8 April - Geography & Environment 

Paper 8   12 April - Political science 

Paper 9.   16 April - CSAT

Paper 10.   20 April - Science

Paper 11.   24 April - Economics 

Paper 12.   27 April - Current Affairs 

Paper 13.   28 April - CSAT 

Prelim 1- 1 May 
Prelim-2  7 May 
Prelim-3  15 May 

Time table with Lecture Set for this test series is given here.
All papers will start at 6.30pm.

15 March - History ( Ancient + Medieval + Modern)

Helpful Lecture set : 

Alternatively You may go through the big Single video given here. 

19 March - Geography & Environment 

Helpful lecture set given below

23 March - Political Science 

Helpful lecture set given below

1. Lecture 1

2. Lecture 2

3. Lecture 3

27 March - Science 

Helpful lecture set given below

1. Basic Maths : This is essential to understand some concept in Physics

2. Basic Trigonometry : This is essential to understand some concept in Physics

3. Fundamentals of Physics and study

4. Basic Units 1

5. Basic Units 2

6. Basic Physics 2

7. Motion 1

9. Motion 2

9. Workdone

10. Test your knowledge with different way

11. Unit transactions

12. Radiations 1

13. Radiations 2

14. Radiations 3

15. Atomic structure 1

16. Atomic structure 2

17. Atomic structure 3

18. Electronic configuration

19. Quantum numbers

20. Organic Chemistry 1

Click Here for Chemistry Big Video Part 1 & Part 2

Biology Video Lectures

1. Fundamentals

2. Classification basics

3. Classification 1

4. Classification 2

5. Digestive system

6. Photosynthesis Part 1

7. Photosynthesis Part 2

8. Photosynthesis Part 3

9. Respiration Part 1

10. Respiration Part 2

11. Respiration Part 3

Click Here for Biology Big Video

31 March - Economics

4 April - History

8 April - Geography & Environment 

12 April - Political science 

16 April - CSAT

Helpful Video lecture set is given below 

20 April - Science

24 April - Economics 

27 April - Current Affairs 

28 April - CSAT 

1 May , 7 May , 15 May - Prelims

To be continued...